
Birds in Lyndhurst Dekorte Park

Snowy Egret in Dekorte Park in Lyndhurst

I have been reading that the Richard W. Dekorte park in Lyndhurst is a birding hotspot and have been itching to check it out. The weather had been cold the last few weeks and I just received my first long lens so everything pointed towards this week being the one.

Now, in case you have never operated a super-telephoto I need to warn you that it is not for the faint of heart. It is monstrous. My decision to buy the Tamron 150-500 F/5-6.7 Di III VC VXD was partly based on the fact that it is one of the lightest and most compact lenses in its class, making handheld shots easier. Still, I was hardly prepared for the experience.

My Sony Alpha 7 IV with the Tamron 150-500 F/5-6.7 Di III VC VXD. The hood still had the wrappers on when I took this.

My learning curve with the lens merits a post of its own.

Dekorte park has many trails. The awesome thing is that most of these are around the marsh, which makes all sorts of water fowl – and other species which tend to be around water – plentiful. There is actually a nice guide of the trails which provides hints of which types can be found in what areas.

Our first encounter was with a Snowy Egret which was lazily fishing.

Snowy Egret in Dekorte Park in Lyndhurst

We were lucky to catch it in flight. These are graceful creatures!

Snowy Egret in Dekorte Park in Lyndhurst

We met several other photographers on the way, each with their long lenses.

We also saw several Red Winged Blackbirds. One was especially beautiful.

Red Winged Blackbird in Dekorte Park

Just before leaving we saw this cute little American Robin.

American Robin in Dekorte Park

I need to go back. Soon!